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Como su Representante en la Legislatura, me comprometo a seguir trabajando para mejorar las condiciones de vida y de trabajo de todos los seres vivos. Estas son mis principales prioridades

Asequibilidad de la vivienda

Everyone deserves an affordable place to call home. I will work on finding solutions to address rising rents and eviction disparities and on building homes for both renters and homeowners.


Proteger el derecho al voto

Ensuring that every eligible person has the right to vote that elections are conducted fairly is crucial for a thriving democracy. As a responsible citizen, I am committed to working towards achieving this goal.

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Derechos iguales

I am committed to protecting civil liberties, including voting, women's reproductive, LGBTQ+, and transgender rights. I oppose anti-immigration policies and will advocate for an inclusive, fair, and just community for all.

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Ambiente saludable

I will support equitable solutions for air and water quality, advocate for clean energy, and work to preserve our cultural and natural resources and heritage.

Acceso a la atención médica

Por último, pero no menos importante, todos deben disponer de atención sanitaria de calidad. Una prioridad debe ser preservar el derecho de las mujeres a tomar sus decisiones en materia de embarazo y control de la natalidad, sin interferencia del gobierno.

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Betty Villegas por Arizona

Autorizado por Betty Villegas..

Elaine Aldrete, tesorera y directora de campaña

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Registrarse para votar

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